Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy in Western North Carolina
Ketamine, the first legal and widely used psychedelic drug, softens the default mode network so that the mind is less constricted and able to recognize more possibilities.
Originally developed as an anesthetic, ketamine has been studied in over 70 Phase clinical trials for psychiatric disorders and has been found effective for the treatment of depression, anxiety, PTSD, end-of-life distress, and addictions.
When combined with psychotherapy, the flexible and undefended mind often finds increased insight, self acceptance and lasting solutions.
The Process
I work in collaboration with Concierge Medicine and Psychiatry. in Asheville. NC. The specialized physicians at Concierge conduct an intake evaluation of the client to ensure that they are physically and psychologically a good candidate for the treatment.
I then meet individually with the client to discuss the specific desires for treatment and begin to build the therapeutic relationship and treatment plan.
At the Concierge office, the ketamine is administered and supervised by the medical doctors. While under the influence of the medicine, we engage in a therapy session exploring the material discussed in the preparatory sessions. These sessions typically take two hours, and the client is under the influence of the ketamine for about an hour.
Between KAP sessions, we meet to integrate the material that arose in the KAP sessions.
How many sessions will it take?
The number of KAP sessions depends on the client’s needs. On average, clients use 4-15 KAP sessions. This can be discussed in more detail prior to starting treatment.
Can I drive or work after my session?
Clients must wait to drive until they are no longer high. Clients are generally able to work after they drive home.
Is the ketamine included in the cost of therapy?
The client pays for the ketamine separately. If the session is held in the Concierge office, they will bill separately for their services. If the session is held in my cottage, the client will bring their own ketamine in lozenge or spray form.
How do I obtain ketamine and is it legal?
Ketamine is a legal, prescribed drug. Clients will need to obtain a prescription through a psychiatrist. The psychiatrists at Concierge conduct an intake session and prescribe the medicine prior to the first KAP session.
How is the ketamine administered?
Typically clients receive the ketamine intravenously. This allows for a steady administration of the medication. Some people prefer an intramuscular shot, nasal sprays, or lozenges.